The Dark Sun Series (2024) - Popelier ポペリエ
Sometimes, you just have to keep it simple. Inspired by planetary transits across distant suns. And countless sci-fi movies. In my two favourite colours - Australian Blue Gum and Mineral Blue, both produced by Australian company Derivan for their Matisse Flow range of acrylic paints. 時にはシンプルに。 遠い太陽を横切る惑星の通過からインスピレーションを得た。そして無数のSF映画。 私の好きな2色、オーストラリアン・ブルーガムとミネラル・ブルーで。どちらもオーストラリアのDerivan社がアクリル絵具のマティス・フロー・シリーズのために作ったものだ。 Check out the short video here - https://www.instagram.com/galeriepopelier https://derivan.com.au acrylic on gesso panel x6 W700 x H700 x D20mm (Complete) Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
Between A Rock And A Hard Place (2024) - Popelier ポペリエ
A new painting exploring Japan's position in the Asia Pacific region. アジア太平洋地域における日本の位置を探る新しい絵画。 acrylic on canvas mounted on panel, アクリル、キャンバス、パネル H400 x W400 x D20mm Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
USO! (1995) - Popelier ポペリエ
The 2nd painting in Japan. cut newspaper, acrylic on paper, includes custom wooden frame カットペーパー、アクリル、紙、額装込み H650 x W650 x D20mm Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
Atomic Moonlight (2020) - Popelier ポペリエ
postcard, gold leaf, silver leaf, marker pens, acrylic on canvas, includes custom wooden frame クラフトペーパー、金箔, 銀箔, マーカーペン, アクリル、キャンバス 額装込み H930 x W930 x D40mm Click this link for ARTIST STATEMENT アーティスト ステートメントは下記リンク https://galeriepopelier.com/atomic-moonlight-popelier-2020 Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
Stalemate (2013) - Popelier ポペリエ
A painting from Popelier's first solo show in Australia. cut newspaper, acrylic on canvas, includes custom wooden frame カットペーパー、アクリル、キャンバス、額装込み W900 x D900 x H50mm Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
Odd One Out (2016) - Popelier ポペリエ
Popelier's version of the 4 elements, asking us if one of them is the odd one out, and if so, which one? cut newspaper, acrylic on recycled foamboard, includes custom wooden frame カットペーパー、アクリル、スチレンボード、額装込み W900 x H900 x D70mm Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
Untitled #3 SuperBox (2023) - Popelier ポペリエ
acrylic on digital print canvas, includes custom wooden box アクリル、デジタルキャンバスプリント、額装込み W330 x D330 x H30mm Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
untitled #12 (2023) - Popelier ポペリエ
recycled card, acrylic on shikishi, includes custom wooden frame クラフトペーパー、アクリル、色紙、額装込み W400 x D400 x H30mm Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
"夢見る静物画" (2018) - Takafumi Hosokawa 細川高文
"Dreaming of a Still Life Painting" (2018) acrylic on canvas アクリル、キャンバス H730 x W600mm Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問合せ下さい
"We Built This City" (2010) - Phil Schouteten
No.1 of 10 riso print リソプリント H210 x W210mm (frame included) Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問合せ下さい
"savoir, avoir et voir" (2015) - Ken Smith ケン スミス
"savoir, avoir et voir" (2015) - Ken Smith ケン スミス Rare screen prints from Australian graphic designer, based in Melbourne. Will sell individually or as a set. Titles: 1. "blue" 2. "brown" 3. "green" 4. "pink" All screenprints/全作品 - A3 Sheet only ¥11,000 (inc. tax) EACH A3シートのみ 各¥11,000 (税込) WHEN ORDERING, write the TITLE of the artwork you want, in the REMARKS section of the ordering procedure. 備考欄に購入作品名の記入をお願いします。 Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問合せ下さい