The Dark Sun Series (2024) - Popelier ポペリエ
Sometimes, you just have to keep it simple. Inspired by planetary transits across distant suns. And countless sci-fi movies. In my two favourite colours - Australian Blue Gum and Mineral Blue, both produced by Australian company Derivan for their Matisse Flow range of acrylic paints. 時にはシンプルに。 遠い太陽を横切る惑星の通過からインスピレーションを得た。そして無数のSF映画。 私の好きな2色、オーストラリアン・ブルーガムとミネラル・ブルーで。どちらもオーストラリアのDerivan社がアクリル絵具のマティス・フロー・シリーズのために作ったものだ。 Check out the short video here - https://www.instagram.com/galeriepopelier https://derivan.com.au acrylic on gesso panel x6 W700 x H700 x D20mm (Complete) Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
Between A Rock And A Hard Place (2024) - Popelier ポペリエ
A new painting exploring Japan's position in the Asia Pacific region. アジア太平洋地域における日本の位置を探る新しい絵画。 acrylic on canvas mounted on panel, アクリル、キャンバス、パネル H400 x W400 x D20mm Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
USO! (1995) - Popelier ポペリエ
The 2nd painting in Japan. cut newspaper, acrylic on paper, includes custom wooden frame カットペーパー、アクリル、紙、額装込み H650 x W650 x D20mm Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問い合わせください
"the misappropriation of culture" (2022) - Popelier ポペリエ
"the misappropriation of culture" (2022) - Popelier ポペリエ Handmade 'kakejiku' (hanging scrolls), acrylic, wood, hooks, chord, spray paint, marker pen on printed wallpaper, created for the solo show in February 2022 @galerie popelier Titles: 1. "We Cherish Nature Until It's Time To Go Home" 2. "This Is Not Art. No More Cats" 3. "Minimerica: The Theme Park Is Burning" 4. "I Popped My Sterry Char" 5. "What Starving Children?!" SOLD 6. "My Priorities Are Alright" All scrolls/全作品 - Scroll only ¥33,000 (inc. tax) EACH 掛軸のみ 各¥33,000 (税込) WHEN ORDERING, write the TITLE of the artwork you want, in the REMARKS section of the ordering procedure. 備考欄に購入作品名の記入をお願いします。 Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問合せ下さい
"We Built This City" (2010) - Phil Schouteten
No.1 of 10 riso print リソプリント H210 x W210mm (frame included) Please enquire for shipping costs 送料はお問合せ下さい